sábado, 30 de marzo de 2019

                                              INFORMATION ABOUT TIGERS

The tigers are mammals, they are carnivore so they eat meat.
They live in Asia, they are in danger of extinción, they Hunt at night. Tigers like wáter, and often bathe in rivers or lagoons to cool off. It measure between one meter and half and three meters and weighs. They live between 15 and 20 years. Theu use the tail to balance when they take a quick turn while hunting, and to communicate with other tigers.

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Jose A. dijo...


Birds belong to the vertebrates group. Their principal characteristic is that they can fly. To do this they have an aerodynamic body, and their front limbs have evolved into two wings of identical shape and size.  The ostrich, emu and penguin are amongst the few exceptional bird species that cannot fly.
Other characteristics of birds include having a body that is covered in feathers, breathing through lungs, and having a beak instead of teeth. Birds are oviparous, that is to say that after mating they lay eggs and leave them to incubate until their young are born.
Birds are the most abundant species on earth. There are more than 9,000 different types of birds.


Mammals belong to the group of vertebrate animals. They are characterized by having their bodies covered with fur, being born in the womb of the mother (viviparous) and by nursing their young with milk from mammary glands.
Mammals are warm-blooded animals, i.e. they are able to regulate their body temperature so that it remains constant, whether it is cold or warm, and they breathe through their lungs.
Depending on the type of food, mammals are classified by: herbivores, i.e. those that feed on plants, such as horses, sheep or elephants; -carnivores that eat animal meat - such as lions, wolves and bears; and omnivores that feed on both plants and animal flesh, such as humans and some primates.
In the world there are 5500 species of different mammals.

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